About the Role
Ready to make a difference in your community? Looking for a job that is meaningful, inspiring, fun, and, at times, challenging? If these statements sound like something that you are interested in, then our Community Connections direct support professionals (DSP) could be the position for you.
We are looking for DSP’s who have abilities in, and hopefully enjoy, playing cards, watching movies, cooking, going on walks, laughing, mentoring, and maybe even singing and dancing. If getting paid to facilitate these activities sounds interesting, apply now. Now’s the time to put your good qualities to work and get paid doing it!
As an DSP in Community Connections, you’ll:
• Provide personal assistance to individuals with developmental disabilities
• Facilitate activities for clients
• Transport to and from community resources and events
• At least 18 years of age
• Have a valid driver’s license and current auto insurance
• Reliable transportation
• High school diploma or GED
• Must be able to work various shifts
• Must be able to work weekends, if needed
• Must be able to pass a pre-employment background check & drug screen
• Experience working with individuals with disabilities is helpful, but not required
About the Company
New Horizons is a non-profit agency, headquartered in Batesville, IN, dedicated to empowering individuals with developmental disabilities by creating meaningful opportunities in a changing environment. We do this by providing tailored programs and services, coordinated care and resources, and offering engaging opportunities to support and lead our clients to a full and enriching life.